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Sunday, September 23, 2012

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       Curriculum Vitae 
 Venerable Dr. Khammai Dhammasami

Date of Birth                  22 November 1964
Place of Birth                 Laikha, Shan State, Union of Myanmar
Title:                              Venerable Prof. Dr.
Profession                      Buddhist monk and Research Fellow/ Trustee 
                                       (Oxford)/ Professor (Myanmar)
Address                         Oxford Buddha Vihara, 356-358, Abingdon Road,  
                                       Oxford OX1 4TQ, United Kingdom
Telephone                     +44 (0)1865 791 591
Emails                            oxford.k.dhammasami@googlemail.com,  oxford_buddhavihara@yahoo.co.uk
Languages                     Fluent in Shan (mother tongue); Burmese, Thai, English & Pali;
                                       Limited in Sanskrit, Laotian and Sinhalese

  • 2011- present: Buddhist Chaplain of Oxford University  (www.ox.ac.uk/subsite/chaplains/chaplains/index.html).
  • 2010- present: Executive Member, International Council for United Nations Day of Vesak.
  • 2010 – present: chairman, Compilation Committee for the Common Buddhist Text, UCDV, Bangkok.
  • 2010 – present: co-convener, Union Catalog of Buddhist Texts (with Prof. Phillip Stanley of Naropa).
  • 2009 Sept - present: Fellow & lecturer, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Oxford, UK. (http://www.ocbs.org/people/fellows-ocbsmain-152).
  • 2009-present: Research Member of Common Room, Wolfson College, University of Oxford.
  • 2009 – present: member, Buddhist Studies Group, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford.
  • 2009 – present: member, Governing Council, Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, Mumbai.
  • 2008 – 2010: Research Associate, Centre for Buddhist Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
  • 2009- present:  Associate Faculty Member, Theology Faculty, University of Oxford.
  • 2007 – present: Visiting professor and Director of Postgraduate Programme for Buddhist Studies, Maha Pragna Buddhist College, Indonesia.
  • 2007 – present: Founder/Executive Secretary, The International Association of Buddhist Universities  (www.iabu.org).
  • 2007- present: Founder/Executive Secretary, The Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (www.atbu.org).
  • 2006 – present: Member, The Oxfordshire Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education, SACRE.
  • 2006 – present: Professor, International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, Myanmar.
  • 2003 – present: Founder - Abbot, the Oxford Buddha Vihara, Nos. 356-358, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4TQ, UK.
o   2004DPhil: St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, UK. Thesis: Idealism and Pragmatism: A Study of Monastic Education in Burma and Thailand from the 17th Century to the Present under the supervision of Prof. Richard Gombrich, then Boden Professor of Sanskrit.
o   1996MPhil: Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Thesis: Critical Edition of the Apheggusara-dipani-tika under the supervision by Prof. Galmangoda Sumanapala, now Director at the institute. Examiners: Ven. Prof. Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti and Dr. Aloysius Pieries.
o   1993 – MA: Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Thesis: Is Sunyata Middle Path? under the supervision of Prof. S.G.M Weerasinghe.
o   1992 – MA: Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 
o 1985 - Dhammacariya (BA in Buddhist scriptures) Sasana Mandaing Pali University, Pegu (Hamsavati), Burma.

§  Trustee, Oxford Mindfulness Centre, OMC, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, UK. (2008 - 2011)
§  2009 Oct: Co-organizer (with Ven. Dr. Anil Sugandho) of a Pali conference to mark the 96th Birthday of the Thai Sangharaja. All the 34 papers were delivered in Pali. Scholars from six nations gave papers.
§  2009 Sep:  taught two courses: Buddhism I & Buddhism II for the Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford.
§  2009 May: Helped Maha Pragna Buddhist College, Jakarta, Indonesia to gain government approval for its MA course in Buddhist Studies. The rules require a course to be run by three PhD and two MA degree holders in the same subject. Indonesia so far has no PhD holders in Buddhism. Now, serving as Director of Postgraduate Programme in Buddhist Studies there.
§  2009 Mar–Apr: Chairman, of a plenary session at the Second World Buddhist Forum, Wuxi, China.
§  2009 Mar: Principal organiser, the conference of the Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (on Theravada Buddhism: origin, identity and development), Sagaing, Myanmar. Proposed and personally organised a panel in which Pali was used as the medium for the first time in an international conference. 16 Pali papers from seven countries were presented and all the proceedings were jointly published by Mahamakut Buddhist University of Bangkok and Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, Sagaing.
§  2008 Jan: Taught one week course on writing and reading for research students at Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Bangkok.
§  2008 Sep: Organized the first Summit and Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Universities, IABU, sponsored by the Royal Government of Thailand at Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Bangkok.
§  2008 May: Vice-Chairman, United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations, Hanoi, Vietnam; moderating the academic panel on Buddhist education.
§  2007 Dec: Co-organiser (with Dr. Kate Crosby, also with MA at University of Kelaniya and DPhil at Oxford) of the first conference in the West on Shan Buddhism and culture at SOAS, University of London. The proceedings have been published by Routledge, London in the Journal of contemporary Buddhism, May 2009.
§  2007 Feb: Taught at Nalanda Mahavihar (Deemed University), Bihar, India a one week course on introduction to research: efficient reading and effective writing in research, imparting essential knowledge on efficient reading and effective writing at the doctorate level that the author learnt for two years from specialists Dr. Margaret Charles and Mr Jonathan Higgins of the Department of English at University of Oxford.
§  2007 May: Based on personal research from 2006, and as Secretary General, the International Council for the United Nations Day of Vesak brought together more than seventy Buddhist colleges and universities, including University of Kelaniya, from around the world for the first symposium of Buddhist higher institutions and then successfully formed The International Association of Buddhist Universities, IABU. www.iabu.org. Two months earlier, to mark 2550 Years of Mahaparinibbana, in March 2007, also as Secretary General, the International Council for the United Nations Day of Vesak persuaded the government and two Sangha universities in Myanmar to hold the first ever meeting of 20 Theravada colleges and universities from ten nations. The meeting successfully founded a separate body for Theravada higher institutions, The Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities, ATBU, www.atbu.org. Since their formation, working as the Executive Secretary to strengthen the networking between higher Buddhist institutions in both Mahayana and Theravada nations as well as with secular universities with Buddhist studies from around the world.
§  2006: Researching on new Buddhist higher institutions in the world; introduced some new Buddhist higher institutions to other Buddhist universities. They include ten Buddhist colleges from Indonesia; Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest recognised by the government of Hungary in central Europe; Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, India and some Buddhist colleges from China.
§  2006, 2007 & 2009: Secretary General, the International Council for the United Nations Day of Vesak, Bangkok.
§  2006-present: Professor responsible for research, publication in Pali, and international affairs, International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, Myanmar.
§  2005: Assistant Secretary General, the International Council for the United Nations Day of Vesak, Bangkok. (Responsible for international relations and Buddhist education)
§  1996-2001: Principal, Sunday School and meditation teacher at Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, London, UK.
§  1992-1996: Taught the Majjhima-nikaya and Vinaya-pitaka to a group of mature students at YMBA, Borella, Colombo. 
§  1985-86: Lecturer in Pali & Abhidhamma, Sasana Mandaing Pali University, Pegu, Myanmar.

Supervision experience
·        2012- : Co-supervisor for Ven. Thich Hanhchon (Nguyen Thanh Hung), PhD candidate at the College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand (with Dr. Kieko Obeisu and Dr. Methew Kosuta) Dissemination of the Dharma: An effective way of upholding and developing Buddhists. A case study in Ho Chi Minh Ciety, Vietnam.
·        2007 2010: external supervisor (internal supervisor: Prof. S.G. Somaratne): The Influence of Buddhism on the Shan: 13-15th century AD by Venerable Senghurng Narinda, PhD candidate, at Peradeniya University, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
·        2007 2012: co-supervisor (with Dr. Wasantha Priyadarshana) for MPhil/PhD thesis A Historical and Cultural Study of Buddhism on the Inhabitants of Arakan State by Venerable Ashon Nyanuttara at the Postgraduate institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
·        2007 2009: co-supervisor (with Dr. Wasantha Priyadarshana) on MPhil thesis A Study of The History of Theravada Buddhism in Burma from the Pagan Period to the Konbaung Period, 10th – 19th Century AD by Venerable Ashin Kaccayana of Postgraduate institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
·        2008-2009: Joint supervisor (with Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn, Rector) of an  MA thesis in English medium the influence of Buddhism on Indonesian culture by Venerable Upaseno of Indonesia at Mahachulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
·        2008-2009: Joint supervisor (with Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn, Rector) of an MA thesis in English medium Buddhist Mind Philosophy by Venerable S. Barua of Bangladesh at Mahachulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
·        2008 – present: co-supervisor of a PhD thesis (with Dr. Wasantha Priyadarshana) for Venerable Kuala Lumpur Dhammadinna on A Critical Studies of the Cultural Background of the Ancient Suvarnabhumi with special reference to Malaysia at the Postgraduate of Pali and Buddhist studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

Examiner experience
·        Sep/ Oct 2012: external examiner for Nagasena Bhikkhu’s doctoral thesis on The Monastic Boundary (Siimaa) in Burmese Buddhism: Authority, Purity and Validity in Historical and Modern Contexts, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
·        June 2012: external examiner for (Ms) Thiri Nyunt’s doctoral thesis on the English translation of the Patisambhidaamagga commentary (one chapter) at International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon. Recommended a major revision and resubmission.

·        June 2012: external examiner for (Mrs) Thandar Win’s doctoral thesis on the English translation of the Patisambhidaamagga commentary (another chapter) at International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon. Recommended and overseeing a major revision and resubmission. 
·        March 2012: external examiner: a doctoral thesis (Mrs) Tin Tin Lay (a medical doctor with MA in Buddhism) on Birth is Suffering: A Study of Embryology in Buddhism and medical Sciences at International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon. Recommended some major corrections; now in the process of reading one last chapter of the revised thesis.
·        March 2012: external examiner for Venerable U Wimala’s doctoral thesis on the English translation of the Kankhaavitaranii (up to aniyata). Recommended and overseeing a major revision and resubmission.
·        2007 – 2008: external examiner of two PhD theses: Theravada kathina practice by Venerable Parami and ordination practice in Myanmar by Venerable Acara at International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, an English medium institution run by the government. Major corrections I recommended meant I had to become part-time supervisor to both and it took more than a year to complete. In the end, the final external examiner was Venerable Dr. Anil Sakya Sugandho, PhD (Brunel) of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand.
·        2005: external examiner (with Burmese historian Prof. Than Tun, PhD.) for (Ms) Myat Thuzar, Phd candidate, at the Pali Dept. Yangon University on Status of Women in Buddhist Indian and Myanmar.

  • From Thai to English: Phra Sasanasobhon (Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand (2009) Mind-city: the capital of the world. Bangkok: Romdhamma Publishing.
  • From Pali to Shan: The Sutta-nipata. (ongoing) Two suttas have been published in Ceylon Journey (2007-8), an annual journal published in Yangon by students studying in Colombo. Yangon: Aye Press.

Editorial Work
·   2006-present: Member, Editorial Committee, Buddhist Studies Review, United Kingdom Association of Buddhist Studies, UKABS, Journal, UK.
·   2008-present: Editor, Journal of The Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities, ATBU, Mahamakut Buddhist University Press, Bangkok.
·   2008-present: Editor, Journal of The International Association of Buddhist Universities, IABU, Mahchulalongkorn Buddhist University Press, Bangkok.

Selected Academic Papers
·        2009 Sep: A Pali conference in honour of H.H The Thai Sangharaja at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Bangkok (paper in Pali: Citta-nagaram lokassa rajadhani).
·        2008 Feb: Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Mumbai, India (a special address: The uncomfortable relationship between the Sangha and the State in Myanmar in the 17th to 19th centuries)..
·        2007 Dec: Shan Buddhism and Culture Conference, SOAS, University of London (paper: Growing but as a sideline: An overview of modern Shan monastic education.)
·        2007 Jul: UKABS Annual Conference, St. Anne’s College, Oxford (paper: Opportunities and challenges in Buddhist institutions of higher education in the world).
·        2007 Apr: The Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies Conference on Buddhist Biography, Balliol College, Oxford (paper: Seeing myself as another person: The autobiography of a Burmese monastic thinker of the 20th century).
·        2005 Jul: 14th International Association of Buddhist Studies conference, SOAS, University of London (paper: The Shan Buddhist Literature: A Preliminary Study of its Source).
·        2004 May: Conference on Burmese Buddhism and the Spirit Cult Revisited, Stanford University, USA (paper: Idealism and Pragmatism: A Dilemma in the Current Monastic Education Systems of Burma and Thailand).
·        2003 Jul: The UK Association of Buddhist Studies (UKABS) Annual Conference, SOAS, University of London, UK (paper: Swimming against the Tide: A brief introduction to the life and thought of two leading monastic educationists in Burma and Thailand).
·        2003 May: Sanskrit Tradition in the Modern World Conference, Newcastle University, UK (Paper: Secularising the Monasteries: The Role of Formal Examinations in Ecclesiastical Pedagogy in Burma and Thailand).
·        2003 Mar: Association for Asian Studies (USA), NY, USA (paper: Ecclesiastical Examinations: Their origin and impact on the Sangha in Burma and Thailand).
·        2002 Dec: 13th International Association of Buddhist Studies conference, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (paper: The Sangha in Burma and Thailand, 1826-1880: A review of factors leading to the emergence of contemporary nikayas).

Selected Publications in English
·        2012 March: Blessings D.I.Y: the Mangala-sutta and its reflection on life, education, family, social matters, ethics and meditation. (English + Thai) Bangkok. (reprinted twice)
·        2011 Nov.: Kathina Practice: Historical, Social and Psychological Reflections (English + Myanmar), Yangon.
·        2011 May: Your Queries and Dhamma answer, Bangkok, Thailand.
·        2010 - “Seeing myself as another person. The autobiography of a Burmese monastic thinker of the 20th century” Lives Lived - Lives Imagined: Biography in the Buddhist Traditions, ed. Ulrike Roesler, Boston: Wisdom Publications.
·        2009 May: "Growing but as a sideline: An Overview of modern Shan monastic education" in Contemporary Buddhism Vol. 10, No. 1, eds. Andrew Skiltons, Kate Crosby. London: Rutledge.
·        2009 Mar: "Swimming against the Tide: A glance at the life of two most influential educationist-monks in the 20th century Myanmar and Thailand" in The Journal of The Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities, ed. Khammai Dhammasami. Bangkok: Mahamakut Buddhist University Press.
·        2008: “The Impact of Political Instability on the Education of the Sangha in 17th Century Siam” in The Journal of The International Association of Buddhist Universities, ed. Khammai Dhammasami. Bangkok: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Press.
·        2007:Idealism and Pragmatism: A Dilemma in the Current Monastic Education Systems of Burma and Thailand in Buddhism, Power and Political Order/ ed. Ian Harris.  London: Routledge.
·        2007: “Internationalisation and Revival: Theravada Buddhist Universities in the past twenty-five years” in The Silver Jubilee Journal of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
·        2005: "Buddhism in Britain" in 2005 United Nations Day of Vesak International Cofnerence Volume. Bangkok: Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University Press.
·        2003: "Can a Buddhist be a wealthy man" in Sharp Journal for School Teachers of Religions in the UK.
·        2000: Different Aspects of Mindfulness. Penang, Inward Path Publication.
·        1999: Mindfulness Meditation Made Easy. Penang, Inward Path Publciation. Reprinted four times and translated into Korean.
·        1999: The Dhamma Made Easy. Penang, Inward Path Publciation.

Meditation Retreats Conducted

·        2012 Aug: seven-day retreat, Subotica, Serbia.
·        2012 Jul: seven-day retreat, Dharma Gate Buddhist College, Budapest, Hungary.
·        2012 May: nine-day retreat at Hill End Centre, Oxford.
·        2012 Apr-May: five-day retreat, Oxford Buddha Vihara (Singapore).
·        2010 May: one-week meditation retreat at the Young Buddhist Association of Thailand, No. 54, Phetkasem Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
·        2009 Nov: one-week retreat at the Young Buddhist Association of Thailand, No. 54, Phetkasem Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
·        2008 Oct: one-week retreat, Hungarian Vipassana Association, Budapest, Hungary.
·        2007 Aug: eight-day retreat, near Lake Balaton, organized by Hungarian Vipassana Association, Budapest, Hungary.
·        2004 Feb: one-day retreat for students, Trinity College, University of Cambridge and organised by Cambridge University Buddhist Society.
·        2003 Mar: weekend retreats at the Burmese Viharas in Chicago and Phoenix, USA.
·        2002 Dec: six-day retreat for university students, Seoul, Korea.
·        2000 Jun-Aug: ten-weekly meditation classes, Redbridge Buddhist Cultural Centre, East London.
·        1999 May: six-day retreat, Ottawa, Canada.
·        1999 May: ten-day retreat, in a Chinese temple, Ava Road, Off Balestier Road, Singapore.
·        1999 Mar: ten-day vipassana retreat, Cameroon Highlands, Malayasia.
·        1998 Aug: six-day vipassana retreat at Dr. K. Thinn's residence, Birmingham, UK.
·        1998 May: eight-day vipassana retreat, Sri Lankaramaya, St. Michael's Road, Singapore.
·        1998 Apr: five-day retreat, at the Samatha Trust Meditation Centre, Wales, UK.
·   1996-2000: Tuesdays meditation class at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, Kingsbury Road, London.

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